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17 Unique Dinner Ideas You Can Make For a Family With Cancer.

17 Unique Dinner Ideas You Can Make For a Family With Cancer.

When a family is facing a cancer diagnosis, maintaining a healthy diet becomes more important (and harder!) than ever.  Good nutrition can help support your body through treatments, strengthen your immune system, and improve your overall well-being. Plus, this family is going to need ENERGY in spades! Finding high-protein meals that are both nutritious and…

19 Best Caregiver Quotes and Sayings When You’re Exhausted.
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19 Best Caregiver Quotes and Sayings When You’re Exhausted.

These caregiver quotes and sayings can help you stay strong and motivated by reminding you what’s important. Even when you are totally exhausted. How do you keep fighting, when you can barely get out of bed?  When you’re so exhausted that you literally can’t think straight, much less tackle some big overwhelming situation like cancer….

This is what helping someone battle cancer really looks like…
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This is what helping someone battle cancer really looks like…

I remember this like it was yesterday.  I’m in the shower with tears streaming down my face.  Trying to handle everything, but feeling like I’m handling nothing.  Being a caregiver is hard. I’ve spent the entire morning on the phone with doctors because we have a borderline emergency situation where we need to be seen…

Distraught woman hugging her sister- Text overlay says Are you a family coping with cancer? You’ll definitely want to prepare for this…
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Are you a family coping with cancer? You’ll definitely want to prepare for this…

If you’re a family coping with cancer, family dynamics can be incredibly stressful. Here’s what to expect. My dad was sick (really sick) when we ended up in the emergency room.  We were about a month into his cancer diagnosis and he was having some intense neurological issues plus we couldn’t get his nausea under…