How to Find Online Support for Families With Cancer.
Cancer is crazy intense and literally never stops creating havoc.
So where can you find support and someone to talk to when you literally have no extra time?
You can find incredible in people who are struggling through the same situation that you are. Facebook groups and forums for cancer and caregiver support are a great place to ask questions, find support, or just read and relate to the posts being shared.
Find Support in a Facebook Group
I am a member of a few of the groups and while I am not the most active member, it is incredibly helpful to read posts and information that I can totally relate to.
They talk about everything in these groups… diagnosis, treatments, symptoms (and how to deal with them), fear, stress, ways to cope, feelings, hope, special moments, inspiration…everything.
People talk, vent, and encourage each other and you rarely see a post without a ton of comments. People answer, they understand, and they share advice and strategies.
These are the most helpful groups I’ve found for our situation …
- The Caregiver Space
- Cancer Survivors and Supporters
- Cancer Support Group for Patients and their Families
But there are a ton more.
Note: The groups are private, so you have ask to join. Just click the button and make sure to answer any questions they ask. That’s how they determine if you are appropriate for the group (and it keeps the trolls at bay!)
The fact that the group is private means that you can speak freely without judgment from friends and relatives (unless they are in the group). Just find your group, make sure you follow their rules (which should be clearly posted) and you are good.
Find a Forum
They have a forum for literally every topic imaginable.
To find a forum, simply type search words into google.
Search words are things like…
- Caregiver forum
- Cancer Forum
- Chemo forum
- Lung Cancer Forum
- Pancreatic cancer anxiety forum
You get the idea.
These are a different way to interact and are full of questions and answers. So essentially instead of scrolling through your entire news feed to find something you are interested in, you can click on a topic of interest and see all of the comments and responses.
For example: I just read a post about a woman’s husband who was barely eating after treatment with at least 50 comments of ideas to try. Everything from food, shakes, protein powders that actually taste good, medicine to discuss with the dr., feeding tubes, etc.… the list goes on.
Forum’s give you access to a lot of people, with a lot of perspectives and outside the box information. People who are going through this (or have been through this) and have great insight into things that are actually working right now.
If you’re a family struggling through a cancer situation, you need all the support you can get. Forums and Facebook groups are a great place to find strength, people to talk to and ANSWERS when you’re struggling through a difficult time.
P.S. If you have no idea how to deal with a cancer diagnosis, we can help you formulate a plan to SIMPLIFY the complex “stuff” that comes with this disease…
Finding the best care, talking with your insurance company, finding resources that will actually help, and dealing with the fear, anxiety and overwhelm of this whole situation.
We can’t control the cancer, but we CAN show you how to manage this crisis. And it’s 100% Free.
You can get the Cancer Combat Plan FREE here…
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